our story

The idea for Kept began years ago when I was looking for a simple way to record the most meaningful memories and events from our son's life (and now our two other kids as well!). I wanted something that was both beautifully designed but also not overwhelming to fill out. I ordered book after book but in spite of my best intentions, I found myself giving up after a few pages.
I felt bummed. And I started talking to other parents who shared the same struggle - that most of the books out there had too much information. Too many statistics that felt hard to keep up with and not necessarily what I wanted to capture from my kids' lives. The books I attempted to fill out ended up with glaring holes of blank pages where footprints or doctor's statistics were supposed to go.
I wanted a book that went beyond what my kids were doing and focused more on their heart - who they were and who they were becoming.
Years after the initial seed of an idea, I spent 2019 bringing Kept to life.
We officially launched in January of 2020 and we're so grateful and blown away
by your support of this book over the last three years.
It brings me such joy to think about the memories that will fill these pages!
It brings me such joy to think about the memories that will fill these pages!
With love,
Founder of Kept